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Floor problem

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 8:10 pm
by Webmaster
I would very much appreciate if you could give me some advice on my caravan. I live in Ireland and approx. 200 miles from any caravan servicing depot,
I own a 2007 Fleetwood Sonata, 6 berth, It is in immaculate condition as there are only 2 of us using it, At the end of last season a creaking noise has come into the floor, it is just in the kitchen area, lounge area is perfect, there was no water spilled or anything that can explain this happening, I would be very grateful if you could give me any ideas on how to rectify this as it is very annoying, even when you are outside the caravan, you can hear the creaking of same.
I so much appreciate you reading this and would welcome a reply if possible,
Thanking you

Re: Floor problem

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 8:13 pm
by AllanandJackie
It's difficult to diagnose without seeing/hearing for myself.

As the floor is creaking, does it move when you walk over it, if your not sure have someone walk on the floor then another person under the caravan to observe if the floor moves when walked on.

Re: Floor problem

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 8:14 pm
by Webmaster
Thank you very much for getting back to me re the creaking floor, we have looked underneath the caravan and floor seems to be perfect, when you walk from bedroom door to end of small table the floow creaks,
it seems to be coming from the aeroboard around the wheel, now this seems to be secure, but definately its coming from there, it is really annoying, so would apprciate any advice.
Thanking you so much

Re: Floor problem

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 8:16 pm
by AllanandJackie
If the floor underneath is NOT moving when walked on above then that's good news, does the floor inside move when walked on? If not there is obviously something moving close to the wheel arch box, I'm of the opinion that it's just a case of checking everything one by one until you find it.

Sorry I can't give you anything more specific to look for.

Re: Floor problem

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 8:17 pm
by Webmaster
Thank you Alan for the advice, will get someone to check everything, next week, the floor inside does not move when you walk, so hopefully it is something minor, will get back to you when all is checked out, Thanks again,

Re: Floor problem

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 8:18 pm
by Webmaster
Just to let you know that we sorted problem with caravan floor, I am delighted to tell you that in fact it was not the floor that was creaking, even though you would think it was, would you believe it was the small table that is left up all the time (opposite cooker), just needed a bit of vaseline, just thrilled with results, as it was taking the good out of going away, as I said even when you were outside, you could hear the creaking if someone was walking, would never have thought of looking at table only for you suggesting same.
Thanks a mill

Re: Floor problem

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 8:20 pm
by AllanandJackie
Brilliant!! Well done.