Condensation in front windows

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kittys van

Condensation in front windows

Postby kittys van » Sat May 30, 2009 8:34 pm

We have a 2008 560-4 Hertidge and over the last week, we have noticed condensation appearing in the front 3 windows. To get rid of the condensation I realise that I need to remove the plastic bungs. My question is how to remove these plugs, as this type of plug is quite soft & has a tail in the centre? Do I asume I need to pull the centre tail to remove this type of plug? I have tried removing by hand using my fingernails but the plugs are to soft & I run the risk of the plug falling inside the window. Also does anyone know if you can buy replacment plugs & if so where from?


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Re: Condensation in front windows

Postby lynjoe » Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:40 pm

Hi Ian, we have a 2002 Colchester & we have the same problem.....amongst others !!! I have tried all ways to get the bungs out ,using pins was suggested by someone... & fingers,knives etc. to no avail. So if you do have any luck please let me know !!!
I am also a member of a good helpful forum called "Caravan Talk" why don't you try there as well. Try this link to get you started

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Re: Condensation in front windows

Postby AllanandJackie » Thu Jun 04, 2009 7:05 pm

Hi Ian,
You don't actually say if the condensation is there on a permanant basis or does infact disappear as the internal / external temperatures change, as the latter is normally the case.
If the condensation is present for most of the time you have a problem that cannot be rectified unless you change the windows in question, as this means the sealed vacuum created between to two sections of polyplastic has been lost resulting in only having a single layer between the inside / outside and with a significant differential temperature between these two surroundings condensation will occur sooner which will result in it being there for a considerable time if not on a continual basis.
The plastic bungs you refer to cannot be removed without destroying the glazing unit as these were inserted during the manufacturing process.


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