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Cleaning the Roof Light on my 2008 Heritage 640

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 3:25 pm
by AllanandJackie
Roof Light Cleaning

The bedroom roof light was getting really grubby and needed a good cleaning to restore it back to it's original condition. I had a look at what it entailed, seemed really easy so decided to do it this afternoon.
There's two fixings in each grab handle that need to be removed in order to remove the external element of the unit. Unusually the screws were an odd size and had me running around for a while until I located a No 9 Torx headed driver which soon sorted them. I also, as a precaution marked which grab handle went where to ensure there were no issues on re assembly, although it looked straight forward.
It was soon off and on the bench where it was necessary to split the inner plastic screen from the outer weather dome. This is done by removing a further two screws connecting each grab handle to the dome which sandwiches the inner screen. Again I marked one handle to know how it was to go back. The fixing was a No 25 torx head driver.
The components were thoroughly washed in clean soapy water before re assembly. Be careful not to over tighten as the whole assembly through UV exposure had gone quite brittle, if you prefer a dab of petroleum jelly on the threads always helps on tightening.
It was a great opportunity to clean both the inside and outside areas that are nigh on impossible to access with the dome in place before returning the roof light cover to it's base in the caravan roof remembering to match the marks made to ensure it returns to it's original position. Hand tighten the four fixings and check all works as it should. Job done in less than an hour.